Melanoma: Prevention, Detection, and Treatment; Second Edition (Yale University Press Health & Wellness)
The incidence of melanoma has increased by 2000% since 1930, and one person dies each hour from the disease. This cutting-edge guide provides scientifically accurate information patients and their families need in order to understand melanoma and its treatment and to receive vital reassurance. It is also a resource for those who want information about preventing skin cancer or finding it early when it is most curable.
Catherine M. Poole, a melanoma survivor and melanoma patient advocate for many national organizations, and Dr. DuPont Guerry, an internationally renowned melanoma expert, have collaborated to provide current, correct, and easily understood information on the disease. The authors have had first hand contact with a multitude of patients with melanoma, and they understand exactly how to empower patients to gain control of their situations and obtain the best treatment.