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In addition to detecting AC-DC EMF and ambient Temperature changes in the environment, this New feature also uses a mini telescopic antenna to radiate its own independent Magnetic Field around the instrument. This EM field can be easily influenced by materials and objects that conduct electricity. Based on source proximity, strength and EM field distortion...4 Multi-Colored LED lights can be activated in any order or combination. This device also includes our popular ATDD Hot and Cold Spot detection Audible Alarm circuit. This new feature is intended to further help promote and advance Paranormal research. This Instrument was developed specifically for the Paranormal Challenge TV show.

  • BindingElectronics
  • LabelPro-Measure
  • ManufacturerPro-Measure
  • PackageQuantity1
  • ProductGroupBISS
  • ProductTypeNameCE_ACCESSORY
  • PublisherPro-Measure
  • StudioPro-Measure
  • TitleMel-8704R-REM-ATDD