Mediation: Empowerment in Conflict Management, Second Edition
Mediation continues to grow as an alternative process for conflict management. Many organizations now allocate resources to full?fledged mediation programs. The Second Edition of Mediation: Empowerment in Conflict Management is the perfect tool for individuals interested in obtaining the skills necessary to become certified mediators. The text's brevity, clarity, and directness make it appropriate for use in college classes and community training programs. It can be adapted to any number of training approaches. This concise volume is guided by a clear set of theoretical principles that provide an ideal for mediation in our society. Power issues are emphasized as a focal point in identifying and understanding the process. Mediation is explored as a dispute resolution option that allows conflict to be an opportunity. Special emphasis is given to the use of effective communication in mediation.
Title of related interest also available from Waveland Press: Littlejohn-Domenici, Communication, Conflict, and the Management of Difference (ISBN 9781577665038).