McCall's M4139 Misses'/Men's/Teen Boys' Lined & Unlined Cape Costumes Pattern OSZ (One Size)
MISSES'/MENS'/TEEN BOYS' LINED OR UNLINED CAPE COSTUMES: Flared cape has purchased ribbon ties; cape A has hood and contrast lining with gathers; cape B is unlined and has hood; cape C has upper capelet and contrast lining, upper collar and lower capelet. SUGGESTED FABRICS: Lightweight Satin, Lightweight Broadcloth; Cape C - also Sheer Fabrics. Additional Fabric may be needed to match stripes, plaids or one-way design fabric. NOTIONS: Thread, 1-yard of 1/2-Inch - 5/8-Inch Wide Ribbon; Cape A - Seam Binding: 1 1/2-yards For Miss and Teen Boy, 1 7/8-yards For Men.