Maybe He's Just an Asshole: Ditch Denial, Embrace Your Worth, and Find True Love!
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Maybe He's Just an Asshole: Ditch Denial, Embrace Your Worth, and Find True Love!

Maybe He's Just an Asshole is the insightful, inspirational and HILARIOUS dating guide women have been waiting for. In a world where most of the dating rules seem to have been written from the perspective of the penis, Halle Kaye and Sophie Stone show women how to approach dating from a position of strength and leverage, not from a place of desperation and weakness. Do you wish you had more power/control when it comes to men and dating? Read the book today!

(Oh, and the best part: no rules, games, or bitchiness required.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: if you decide to review this book below, please use the term "ahole" in your review instead of "a**hole" or "asshole" or it might not publish. Thanks!

Finally, please note that this is not intended to be an €œanti-man€ or €œman-hating€ book. As one reviewer pointed out, we use the term €œasshole€ in a playful, snarky, tongue-in-cheek kind of way to refer to men who are a waste of your time. It€s precisely because we believe there are so many wonderful men out there that we want to help you ditch the bad ones fast!

  • TitleMaybe He's Just an Asshole: Ditch Denial, Embrace Your Worth, and Find True Love!
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2013-11-18T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook