MaxBotix Inc.| I2C Ultrasonic Sensor for People Detection, Robot Ranging, Motion Detection and Autonomous Navigation| MB1212-000 I2CXL-MaxSonar-EZ1
From the manufacturer
The I2CXL-MaxSonar-EZ1 offers a lower hardware gain and a smaller, narrower detection zone than the MB1202. This makes it perfect for applications that are involved with people detection. The sensor is designed and calibrated to provide reliable range information to large targets even in environments with strong acoustic or electrical noise sources.
The I2CXL-MaxSonar-EZ products are high quality, low cost distance sensors in a small component module, offering high acoustic power, easy to use outputs, calibrated beam patterns, auto calibration, and stable range readings. The I2CXL-MaxSonar-EZ ultrasonic sensors feature an I2C interface for easy control of up to 127 sensors using 2 wires.
The Noise FilteringThe sensor dynamically adjusts its sensitivity to compensate for outside electrical & acoustic noise sources.
Low Power RequirementsThe I2CXL-MaxSonar-EZ functions throughout a 3.0V to 5.5V operational voltage range. This allows for easy integration at either 3.3V or 5V. The I2CXL-MaxSonar-EZ sensors have a 4.4mA average current draw.
Key Improvements over our XL-MaxSonar-EZ SensorsBetter noise tolerance
I2C user interface
Faster read rate
Operates at 42kHz
Maximum range of 7.65 meters
RoHS Compliant
Objects closer than 20 cm range as 20 cm
200,000+ Hours MTBF
Recommended reading rate of 10Hz
Up to 40Hz read rate for up-close objects