Masterworks Miniature Painting with Jen Haley and Anne Foerster - 3 DVD Set
DSMDVD1 Jen Haley and Anne Foerster Miniature Painting Tutorial 3 DVD Set Dark Sword Miniatures
Jen Haley is the winner of two Golden Demon Slayer Swords, countless Golden Demons and two Privateer Press Grand Master Painter awards. Anne Foerster is the staff painter at Reaper Miniatures and has won multiple Golden Demons and other painting competition awards.
- This is a jam-packed 3 DVD Set with over 10 hours of instruction!
Learn the basic techniques to sound miniature painting and then build upon these basic techniques from module to module into more advanced techniques under the guidance of multi award-winning miniature painters Jen Haley and Anne Foerster. All demonstrated on award-winning Dark Sword Miniatures over the entire DVD!
From brush and paint selection, assembly, priming, color theory, terminology, and smooth basecoats all the way up to washes, glazes, painting amazing flesh tones, faces, eyes, hair, source lighting, and NMM armor/weapons, this DVD set will bring you up to speed on how to achieve impressive results and take your miniature painting to the next level.
This 3 DVD set has both Jen and Anne working together and demonstrating the various aspects of miniature painting in a conversational approach that will keep you engaged and entertained while imparting their knowledge and experiences. Regardless if you are new to miniature painting or have some solid skills already, this DVD set can help you level up. So pull up a seat to their painting table and learn from two of the very best!