Marine VHF SRC Course Handbook: A complete step by step guide to operating GMDSS DSC marine VHF radio
This training handbook has been designed for students taking the Royal Yachting Association VHF Short Range Certificate radio course and sitting the new VHF SRC assessment. It covers the operation and procedures of marine VHF radios fitted with Digital Selective Calling (DSC) and provides a complete step-by-step guide to operating GMDSS 'Class D' marine VHF radio equipment and full of useful material to help students pass the course and assessments.
Greenock Sea School is a recognised Royal Yachting Association Training Centre and provides a range of cruising and navigational courses. We provide VHF SRC courses and assessments for students to gain certification and authority to operate VHF radio equipment. The material in this book forms the basis of our course. If you would like further information about our courses or assessment dates please contact Greenock Sea School or visit our website