Marathi Flash Cards (Use English words to learn Marathi sounds)
Marathi Alpha Cards are a set of flash cards containing all the Marathi letters of the alphabet. This is a great way to teach anyone to recognize and learn the Marathi Alphabet in fast and fun way. Each card is two sided and introduces a new letter using words and pictures already known to you or children. The front of the card shows the known English word starting with or containing the letter and the picture. Here you will also have an area for practicing the letter. The word is given in Marathi and in English so that you can connect the letters in English and Marathi. On the back of the card, 4 more words and pictures are given. Here you may see other words starting with the same sound but using different English alphabet letters. For example, "A" as in "America" and "Ea" as in "Earth" makes the same sound for Marathi letter "A"(Read in Marathi). Pronunciation help is provided on the cards for letters unique to Marathi and also on the website. All cards are plastic coated and can be used with dry erase markers for writting practice. They are very easy to clean, just wipe off with a tissue. Educate yourself or children with these quick and easy to learn Alpha cards. Learning Marathi was never been so Quick n EZ.