Manual for rebirthers: How to deepen your Rebirthing process, Masterfully guide other people`s process and be a successful Rebirthing Professional
"In order to be a good Rebirthing professional you have to heal yourself, overcome patterns, reconnect with your divine nature, and continue the practices whilst teaching other people to do the same. This book gathers together the ideas and practices of high quality Rebirthing which are taught in Rebirthing Breathwork International (RBI). RBI is the school established by Leonard Orr, founder of Rebirthing. These ideas and practices will help you guide other people in their healing journey with more efficiency at the same time as you master your own. They will help you improving the quality of your work and become more successful. The Manual for Rebirthers includes texts by Leonard Orr whilst the rest has been reviewed by him. Fanny Van Laere is the Rebirthing International coordinator in Spain and in the UK together with Joe Jennings. Since 1995 she has been giving individual sessions in Rebirthing and Spiritual Psychology, offering workshops, professional Rebirthing trainings and one-year seminars. She has been working with Leonard Orr and organizing seminars for him for more than 10 years. She is the author of: Rebirthing and Spiritual Purification and The Resurgence of the Feminine. Website in the UK is: Website in Spain is: Email: