Making the Important Measurable, Not the Measurable Important
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Making the Important Measurable, Not the Measurable Important

How Authentic Mixed Method Assessment helps unlock student potential – and tracks what really matters.

What if decisions about what to teach and how to teach put the learner first? What if we started with what the kids know and love, and helped them learn from there?
What if teachers really had their fingers on the pulse of how each learner was doing every day – doing real-time assessment of not just what’s easy to measure, but what really matters? And what if that told them what the learner needed next?
What if “what really matters” was infused with who a learner was, what they loved, who they aspired to be, and what they needed to learn in order to get there?
What if that real-time assessment was based on the full range of evidence, qualitative and quantitative, that supported teachers to use sound professional judgment in a nuanced but consistent way?
And what would it look like if we could aggregate that evidence up to create a system-wide tracking framework that would show how well students, classrooms, schools, districts, and states were tracking relative to rich and meaningful targets?

This book seeks to answer some poignant questions, and take an in-depth look into the education system, how it’s failing some of our children, and what we can do as educators, parents and community leaders to change that. With The Learner First™, these things are achievable, practical, and valid. The Learner First™ works at multiple levels of the system to effect deep and lasting change – and to leave behind the capabilities needed to build on that change. Authentic Mixed Method Assessment is the tool for translating this worthy ‘what if’ thinking into an evidence-based, defensible reality.

  • TitleMaking the Important Measurable, Not the Measurable Important
  • ManufacturerThe Learner First
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2015-03-30T17:57:08.404Z
  • FormatKindle eBook