Magic the Gathering: MTG Oath of the Gatewatch OWG Prerelease Pack (Pre-Pelease Promo + 6 Boosters + d20 Spindown Counter)
Oath of the Gatewatch Prerelease Pack Description: The Oath of the Gatewatch Prerelease Pack gives players their first opportunity to play with Oath of the Gatewatch cards at your Prerelease events. (Great for Collectors) For the Oath of the Gatewatch Prerelease, each player will receive a Prerelease pack that they can use after the event as a take-home deck box. Inside each Prerelease box, there will be four Oath of the Gatewatch Booster packs and two Battle for Zendikar booster packs, a spindown life counter, and a randomized, date-stamped premium promo card, drawn from any rare or mythic rare in the set. NOTE: This product can ONLY be shipped the United States, Puerto Rico, APO/FPOs and USVI.