Machine Learning: Hands-On for Developers and Technical Professionals
Dig deep into the data with a hands-on guide to machinelearning
Machine Learning: Hands-On for Developers and TechnicalProfessionals provides hands-on instruction and fully-codedworking examples for the most common machine learning techniquesused by developers and technical professionals. The book contains abreakdown of each ML variant, explaining how it works and how it isused within certain industries, allowing readers to incorporate thepresented techniques into their own work as they follow along. Acore tenant of machine learning is a strong focus on datapreparation, and a full exploration of the various types oflearning algorithms illustrates how the proper tools can help anydeveloper extract information and insights from existing data. Thebook includes a full complement of Instructor's Materials tofacilitate use in the classroom, making this resource useful forstudents and as a professional reference.
At its core, machine learning is a mathematical, algorithm-basedtechnology that forms the basis of historical data mining andmodern big data science. Scientific analysis of big data requires aworking knowledge of machine learning, which forms predictionsbased on known properties learned from training data. MachineLearning is an accessible, comprehensive guide for thenon-mathematician, providing clear guidance that allows readersto:
By learning to construct a system that can learn from data,readers can increase their utility across industries. Machinelearning sits at the core of deep dive data analysis andvisualization, which is increasingly in demand as companiesdiscover the goldmine hiding in their existing data. For the techprofessional involved in data science, Machine Learning:Hands-On for Developers and Technical Professionals providesthe skills and techniques required to dig deeper.