MLM Script Treasury Not Your Usual Network Marketing Phone Scripts
This book is full of the top pulling, most valuable and very rare MLM phone scripts that have earned their users many hundreds of thousands of dollars. I will state right now, the material in this book is NOT €˜newbie€ friendly. These scripts are for pros. If you don€t know what you€re doing this book is not for you.
-Turn your prospects voice mail into a recruiting machine! 12 scripts which you can customize
-What do I say to make sure my prospects watch my DVD or online presentation? 6 different versions
-What is a GAP line and why you should use one, and what to say on it.
-How to take your prospects pulse
-Top Tier Phone scripts €“ rare and valuable €“ and great to modify for your own phone scripts - 4 actual Top Tier scripts
-What to say to get your prospect on to a conference call - very detailed
-How to close your prospect after a conference call €“ lots of trial closes, hard closes, and objection handlers - Very strong
-Common objections and how to turn them back into closing questions
I have chosen scripts that I know you will NOT find in other script books for sale, or the free PDFs that float all over the Internet. The scripts contained here are the kind of scripts that only the top leaders in a program have access to and it usually requires someone to be invited to join their inner team to gain access to them.
This book is full of very hard hitting powerful scripts that have been used by many top prospectors and closers. You can use this book to build your own scripts by modifying what you find here.
-Scripts to get a prospect to commit to a live conference call
-The hardest closing questions from the industry
-Ads that will get your Voice Mail full, and what to say on your Voice Mail
screener €“ lots of screeners and 11 out-bound messages
-What to say to your prospect AFTER the conference call
-Voice Scripts to €˜wake up the dead€ €“ get your inactive distributors active again
-Instant Ice Breakers
-The Script to turn a Franchise seeker into a Networker
-Starting your own MLM or Team Call? Need a conference call script? €“ 4 full conference call scripts inside
-Are you a company trainer? Do you do many trainings? Are your people dying on the phone?
If you are a trainer, a serious upline, on your way to being a player, a €˜big dog€, this book is for you. If you are putting together your own scripts, calls, establishing your own team, or your own network marketing company €“ invest in this book. Inside this book you will find: hard hitting, hard closing power calls, what to say when you reach a prospects voice mail, screeners, actual company conference calls, GAP line messages and some special bonuses to get your phone ringing plus much, much more. It€s all here.
What is in this book can take a serious player to the next level.
This is most definitely an €˜insiders book€.