MICR Check Position Gauge
A MICR gauge lets you quickly and easily verify that all the data on your check is accurately printed in the proper positions. A MICR check position gauge is a clear plastic template that you position over your check. It indicates whether or not your MICR encoding line follows the correct spacing, is skewed, and has the right number of characters. The MICR gauge also shows you the magnetic clear zone plus maximum and minimum check heights and widths. It now includes a decimal inch ruler plus a printed manual.
You can verify 13 different check standards with this gauge. Measurements for items 1 - 6 are made by positioning the gauge over the check so that the check's bottom and right edges align with the black bottom area and right edge of the MICR gauge. Measurements for items 7 - 13 require moving the gauge around on the check.
This gauge works for both US and Canadian checks. All U.S. specifications are measured in inches. All Canadian specifications are measured in centimeters (cm). MICR printing is right justified. Most MICR measurements are specified from the bottom right corner of your check. This MICR check position gauge is the easiest and most complete gauge on the market.
The bottom of the MICR gauge is are glued below the guide line. You can NOT glue the gauge to the backer board at the exact edge of the black guide line. If you did when you inserted a check the check would not reach the guide line, since it has to bend the plastic gauge surface up. The thickness of check paper can vary by a factor of 4 to 1. So a gauge that works for your checks, won't work for a company that uses thicker check paper. In addition, a gauge that works for your checks in the winter, (when there is little moisture in the air), will not work for your checks in the summer (when moisture swells your check paper up by 25%). So you must align the bottom edge of your check with the gauge.