Lumicon Deep Sky 1.25" Filter LF3010
The 1.25" Deep Sky is Lumicon's most popular nebula filter. It blocks all high and low pressure mercury and sodium vapor lamp light, neon lights and airglow, while transmitting the rest of the visible spectrum. Visually, the Deep Sky Filter enhances contrast of nebula under both light-polluted and dark skies. The Deep Sky Filter also passes infrared light, making it an excellent filter for photographing deep space objects through light-polluted skies. Recommended for telescopes 3" in aperture and larger.To ensure that your Lumicon filter remains the World's Best, the strictest quality control standards are employed throughout the production process. Each Lumicon Deep Sky Filter is individually inspected and proudly inscribed with the percentage of light transmittance of the H-Alpha, H-Beta and OIII emission lines.
Deep Sky Filter