LudoBites: Recipes and Stories from the Pop-Up Restaurants of Ludo Lefebvre
Visionary, charismatic master chef, Ludo Lefebvre, and his Los Angeles cult hit €œpop-up€ restaurant LudoBites are worshipped by critics and foodies alike. LudoBites, the book, is at once a chronicle and a cookbook, containing tales of the meteoric career of this €œrock star€ of the culinary world (who was running kitchens at age 24) and the full story of his brilliant innovation, the €œpop up€ or €œtouring€ restaurant that moves from place to place. The star of the popular cable program, Ludo Bites America, on the Sundance Channel, also offers phenomenal four-star recipes born out of the need to be mobile. Readers who love food, who admire genius, and fans of TV€s Top Chef, Top Chef Masters, and Iron Chef are going to want a taste of LudoBites.