Lovin’ Feeling Left Behind
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Lovin’ Feeling Left Behind

After being suddenly dumped by her ex simply because he €œfound another woman,€ Haruka officially swore off men and love in general. It is little surprise, then, that her job at a marriage counseling center is getting on her nerves more and more with each passing day. One day, Haruka finds herself with a brand-new boss €“ a handsome but insufferable guy who suddenly calls her €œugly€ to her face! It isn€t long before Haruka and her new boss are at each other€s throats every day, until finally, when on the verge of deciding she€s had enough, she commits herself to showing him what€s she€s really made of! The hard part is that she has to act in the part of a €œstand-in€ at a matchmaking party to do it!

  • TitleLovin’ Feeling Left Behind
  • ManufacturerG2Comix
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2014-10-16T07:04:00.444Z
  • FormatKindle eBook