Loch Kairn Smoked Scottish Salmon - 1lb Presliced
This buttery Scottish smoked salmon is scotch-cured and smoked using oak wood as opposed to fruit woods. Lock Kairns Farms' Smoked Scottish Salmon is infused with the richness that comes from natural oak smoke, and contains no preservatives. You can simply buy smoked salmon-or, if you hanker after green sheep-cropped hills and heather blossoms-you can buy Scottish smoked salmon. "This Scottish smoked salmon features the most subtle and haunting flavors I've ever experienced in a side of salmon. Salt and smoke, both low key, were in perfect balance of course, but there's a sweetness here, a hint of vanilla, that is simply extraordinary. It didn't taste like scotch whiskey, but it sure tasted like something great."-Chef David Rosengarten, on Scottish Smoked Salmon.