Living with Fibromyalgia Patients: 79 Ways You Can Make Their Lives Better
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Living with Fibromyalgia Patients: 79 Ways You Can Make Their Lives Better

Do you wish you could tell your family and friends what life is like for you as a fibromyalgia patient?

Do you wish you had a way to tell them easily, without fighting through the brain fog, what you need from them?

Living with Fibromyalgia Patients will help you!

In just an evening or two of reading, you will learn what life can really be like for fibromyalgia patients.
  • What it is like for them to wake up and hardly be able to move their feet from the mattress to the floor.

  • Why they sometimes can€t €œget it together€ before lunch time.

  • Why it seems that they have suddenly become forgetful, emotionally sensitive, and much more.

This book will teach you 79 things that family members and friends can do to help their fibromyalgia patients live better lives. You will learn real, practical tips for working around uncomfortable situations, helping the patient remain productive, fighting fibro-fog, and more.

Who this book was written for:

Living With Fibromyalgia Patients was written especially for you if you are in one of the following groups of people:
  • Families or friends of people who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and you do not understand the issues that FM patients have to deal with every day of their lives.

  • People who just want to know more about the lifestyle changes they have seen in their own family members or friends and how they can perhaps help life to be a bit more bearable for them.

  • People who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and have found it difficult to explain the ramifications of their illness in such a way that their families or friends can truly understand why and how life has changed for them.

What this book is not:

Living With Fibromyalgia Patients is not meant to diagnose fibromyalgia or any other syndrome or disease. It was written in layman's terms and with as little medical jargon as possible.

Most people have heard of fibromyalgia, but have not had close personal interaction with anyone who suffers with the illness.The purpose of this book is to give you a clear image of how many different ways its victims can be physically impacted by it and how you can help them live a more fulfilling life. It is a "how-to" book for the families and friends of people who have already been diagnosed with the illness.

About the author

Tom Buford is a man whose wife of more than thirty-nine years has suffered with the disabling effects of fibromyalgia for more than a decade. The author is not a medical professional, but he knows first-hand what it is like to watch his wife change from one who earlier in life might have been seen on a lake riding a jet ski or climbing trees in a friend's yard to one who can hardly get out of bed some mornings, one who he has found sitting on her bed silently crying because there was no relief from the pain, even with heavy-duty pain medications.

Tom knows the empty feeling that comes with seeing his bride in obvious pain and not knowing what he can do to make her day more bearable, or if he is told what to do, may not think he knows how to do it in quite the way she needs it done. He knows what it is like for his wife to desperately need his touch, yet he finds it difficult to control his sometimes too masculine touch in such a way that it is not too heavy or even pain inducing for her.

It is important to understand that the patient is not the only person who is living with fibromyalgia. It has a way of becoming part of life. Therefore, the patient's family and, to some extent, his or her friends also live with it. In this book, Tom shares what he has learned from his wife and others about what it is like to live with FM. He candidly tells you what life is like in his household. He will discuss some of the things that he does or has done in an effort to make life more enjoyable for his

  • TitleLiving with Fibromyalgia Patients: 79 Ways You Can Make Their Lives Better
  • ManufacturerQuiet Place Media
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • ProductGroupDigital Ebook Purchas
  • ReleaseDate2012-10-21T00:00:00.000Z
  • FormatKindle eBook