Living the Wisdom of the Tao: The Complete Tao Te Ching and Affirmations
"This book offers you an opportunity to internalize and directly experience the great wisdom of the Tao Te Ching, a collection of verses authored by the Chinese prophet Lao-tzu."The words Tao Te Ching translate to €˜living and applying the Great Way.€ Although just 81 short verses, the Tao encourages you to change your life by literally changing the way you think. By reading through the verses presented here (which I€ve pieced together after reviewing hundreds of translations)€"along with the corresponding affirmation I€ve created for each verse€"you€ll be embarking on a path that encompasses the profound ideas that Lao-tzu intended to convey."The Tao Te Ching offers you Divine guidance on virtually every area of human existence. It is a new way of thinking in a world that needs to recapture its ancient teachings. Work with the verses and affirmations regularly and you will come to know the truth behind the ancient Tao observation: When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." €" Dr. Wayne W. Dyer