Great for Weight Loss Lipo BC is a great product if you are looking to lose weight or if you are currently on a weight loss program and want to accelerate your weight loss! What is Lipo BC? Lipo BC contains a unique combination of vitamins that work synergistically to also help combat stress. Although these vitamins are available in a wide variety of foods, they are light and heat sensitive and are depleted with poor food storage and overcooking - consequently, this vitamin group needs daily replenishing. Lipo BC is specially formulated to provide nutrients for proper metabolism of fats and cholesterol. Lipotropic Nutrients Lipotropic nutrients are compounds that promote the flow of fat and bile to and from the liver. In essence, they produce a "decongesting" effect on the liver and promote improved liver function and fat metabolism. Key Ingredients Choline and Inositol, two key ingredients in Lipo BC, work together to help transport and metabolize fats. Choline is essential for the health of the liver and kidneys. Biotin also helps metabolize fats as well as metabolize protein and carbohydrates. Biotin also has the added benefit of reducing blood cholesterol. Lipo BC also contains 500mg of Vitamin C, 50mg of Vitamin B6, and 50 mcg of Vitamin B12, providing 833%, 2500%, and 835% respectively of the percent daily value for those vitamins!