Linenlock Fitted and Top Sheet Holders
For many years many people have awoke after sleeping and found at that at least one corner of the fitted sheet had popped off of the corner of the mattress. This is particularly annoying if you wake in the middle of the night and find yourself tangled in the sheet or actually laying on the mattress itself. Products available on the market partially address the issue at best. Most are very time consuming and even difficult to attach. This is especially true with modern "pillow top" mattresses as they are in many cases as much as twice the thickness as conventional mattresses. If you go from a conventional mattress to the thicker type, the sheets are even harder to keep in place. Many find the need to then buy new sheet sets and abandon the sheet set investment already in the closet. LinenLOCK sheet holders allows the use of conventional sheets, effective for holding the Fitted sheet or Top sheet, is fast and easy to install and cost effective.