Let Me Squeeze Your Lemon: The Ultimate Rude Blues Collection
Rude, Rude Blues, Expletives, Innuendo And Just Plain !&-¦!! Rude - When naughty Chuck Berry slipped 'My Ding a Ling' into the charts in 1972 he exposed a musical phenomenon that had a long, long history. People have been singing about sex since the dawn of popular music - and since the roots of rock are black one's, it+¡s no surprise the '40s onwards saw the blues community employing as many imaginative terms to describe 'the act' as there were ways of doing it! Rock 'n' Roll of course, is just one. This hugely popular double CD collection isn't so much X-rated as exhilarating, offering rib tickling rump shakers - each with their own nudge-nudge, wink wink meaning. The politically correct among US should check their pulse rate and stick to Abba. But if PC to you means the boys in blue or your home computer, you're old enough - and broad minded enough - to enjoy this feast of fleshy delights.