Lenmar DLRP8300 Digital Camera Equivalent to the Rollie 02491-0054-02 Battery
This battery fits these products: Vivitar ViviCam 8300s, x30, 8300, 7410, 8600, T25, Premier DS-8330, DS-8340, DS-8650, DS-A350, Traveler DC-8600, DC-8300, DC-XZ6, Acer CR-8530
This battery replaces these OEM batteries: Premier P/N 02491-0045-00, Vivitar 02491-0054-02, 02491-0045-01, Traveler 02491-0045-01, Rollei Prego 8330, NP-83, 02491-0028-01, 02491-0028-00