Legends of Haergill and Conniker's Tale (The Wealdland Stories Book 4)
Book Four of the Wealdland Stories. A young elf girl mistakenly gives the Ar to a garond visitor. Baalenruud tries to buy the life of an elf. Iounelle attempts to go to a place forbidden to unmarried elf females. The poem/song Veranelle and Galethaire: the epic story of Iounelle's parent's death. The Ballad of Sehen: the key that Yulenth discovered to defeating Deifol Hroth. The early days of Haergill and how he came to Bittel. The story of Hetwing, Hanarry and Myanne, and how the reians came to discover the crystals that killed the vyreeoten. Conniker's missing seven days. The last garond. And, Iounelle's journey through Neo-lithic Europe in pursuit of The Two.