Learning Core Data for iOS: A Hands-On Guide to Building Core Data Applications
Get Started Fast with iOS 7 Core Data App Development
Covers iOS 7 and Xcode 5
This is the first Core Data book to fully reflect Apple’s latest platform innovations, including its dramatic recent improvements to iCloud support. Hands-on from start to finish, it teaches you step-by-step as you create a modern data-driven iOS app using Storyboards, ARC, iOS 7, and Xcode 5.
Tim Roadley introduces new patterns and best practices designed to overcome the frustrations of Core Data development. One step at a time, you’ll build and extend your skills--even mastering advanced techniques such as complex model migration, deep copy, background processing, and integration with Dropbox, StackMob, and iCloud.
Downloadable versions of this book’s main project are provided with each chapter, so you can see exactly what your app project should look like--and get cookbook-style code for your own projects. Chapter exercises help you explore even further, whether you’re a self-learner or a student in an iOS development course.
If you’re an experienced iOS developer, this guide brings together all the skills, tools, code, and patterns you need to add powerful data management capabilities to any app--quickly, easily, and painlessly.
Coverage includes the following: