Law Enforcement in the 21st Century
Law Enforcement in the 21st Century is the first book to examine the €œlinkage blindness€ in the criminal justice system (the lack of connection between theories of policing and what actually happens in police departments), making linkages between theory and police practice through problem-solving and crime mapping applications.
It offers a fresh, new approach to presenting introductory law enforcement material that is both practical for the future law enforcement officer and intellectually rewarding for readers who may be entering a whole new field of study. The authors have organized the material in a developmental framework beginning with a discussion of law enforcement's place within the criminal justice system and a discussion of the origins of policing; the reader is then introduced to the traditional model of policing and the core aspects of the work€"organizational structure and units, field operations, and investigations. The authors provide information important to law enforcement in the 21st century, including topics such as terrorism and the latest technology.