LandBook: The small landowner's guide to buying, improving, maintaining and selling rural land
This isn't one of those books that will teach you how to make a fortune speculating in real estate. There are so many of those on the market that I’m assuming the reader already has all the hot, steaming, piles of cash he or she has ever dreamt of possessing . Rather, this book tells you how to get the most useful enjoyment from land that you actually intend to live on – and you won’t need your vast fortune to do it.
You’ll learn a few things about your ownership of land too. LandBook is a compendium of good things to know if you own a small tract of land; and these are even better things to know before you buy one.
In my four decades of dealing with rural property, I've discovered that there are myriad ways to approach the purchase and management of rural real estate if one has a bountiful supply of cash; but, having never found myself in that particular position, I wanted to share some of the knowledge and techniques I've learned with folks who can't, or won't, hire a specialist for every need.
My intention isn't to teach the reader to be his or her own attorney, broker, surveyor, or excavation contractor. Rather, I'd like to show you how to do the things you can for yourself, and how to recognize the things that require professional help. We'll cover how to buy and sell land in ways that are both ethical and profitable, but we'll also dwell on practical knowledge you'll need as a landowner: how to measure and locate your boundaries, what to expect when you hire a well driller, how to maintain a long, unpaved driveway for yourself, or how to negotiate the local courthouse to your own benefit. This, and much other Real World stuff.
In short, this is a handbook, or owner's manual for your land, a LandBook, if you will.
I hope you enjoy it.