La Tienda Peregrino Brand Cracked Olives with Garlic & Herbs (7.3oz/200g drained wt)
The olives in this jar are lightly cracked in order to take full advantage of the herb, bay leaf, and garlic marinade. The result perfectly captures the flavors of Old Sevilla, down to the crunchy garlic clove, which is mild as mild can be. La Tienda is the only place you can purchase these olives outside of Spain. How we came to have these remarkable olives is another example of Spanish generosity. We were enjoying tapas one evening in Sevilla with the owner of a noted olive company. We were savoring tangy, firm cracked olives - one after another. We wondered out loud: "Oh, if we could ever get these in America." He was surprised to hear of the limited varieties of olives available in the United States. We had hardly returned home when a package arrived from our new friend, Antonio. He had sent a custom product from a recipe he had developed - succulent cracked Verdial olives marinated with cloves of garlic, oregano, sea salt and a bay leaf or two. They tasted just like the ones we'd had that night, or the ones I would see in barrels at the local municipal markets! Great when paired with aged Manchego cheese and sherry or beer.