LRS Lobster-Shaped 20-Pager Guest Paging Kit
The Guest Lobster Paging Kit (20) is the unique specialty paging solution for busier fast-casual and casual-dining seafood or water-side restaurants. The playful lobster shape functions just like the classic coaster paging systems, buzzing and lighting up to alert a waiting guest. Designed for seafood concepts looking to optimize the guest's waiting experience, giving them the freedom to leaving the lobby area to visit with friends and grab drinks at the bar while they wait for a dining room table. Exclusions: Not applicable outside of the USA due to frequency channel regulations. International sales requests are handled directly by LRS at 1-800-437-4996 or Restrictions: All online orders are restricted for purchase and use within the USA only. LRS is not responsible for any product purchased via the web for use outside of the USA, warranty is voided for any product used outside of the USA.