LL's Magnetic Clay MERCURY II Bentonite Clay Bath
This Clay Bath Assists in Eliminating
Similar to the Dental/Mercury I formula but with the addition of cilantro, chlorella, and other special herbs, this bath also assists in removal of elemental mercury, organic mercury (methyl and ethyl mercury), and inorganic mercury. Can be used in place of, or alternated with the Dental Mercury I formula.
Sources of Mercury
Dental amalgams, vaccines, fish (especially those higher up the food chain), air pollution from coal fired power plants, adhesives, thermometers, cosmetics, plastics, fabric softeners, felt, floor waxes/polishes, fungicides, industrial waste, laxatives, wood preservatives, hair dye, batteries, solvents, and more.
Related Symptoms of Mercury Toxicity
Learning and behavioral disorders, tremors, dermatitis, insomnia, edema, fatigue, fever, forgetfulness, frequent colds, gastric disturbances, migraine headaches, hearing impairment, high blood pressure, impaired concentration, irregular heartbeat, kidney and liver damage, lack of coordination, loosening of teeth, loss of appetite, leaky gut syndrome, metallic taste, muscle weakness, nervousness, numbness, tingling in hands and feet, pain in the chest, restriction of visual field, ringing in the ears, shallow or irregular breathing, speech disorders, weight loss, and much more. Mercury is currently associated with over 4,000 diseases.