Successful exam preparation depends on studying with the best resources, and LARE Review, Mastering Section C: Site Design offers the most complete and comprehensive coverage available for Section C of the Landscape Architect Registration Examination. This exam will challenge your skills in assessing and designing graphical site solutions. LARE Review, Mastering Section C: Site Design will show you how to approach site planning vignettes analytically through three basic tasks: analyzing the site and requirements; understanding the relationships between the land and the uses of the land; and creating optimal plans and design solutions. LARE Review, Mastering Section C will help you to pass the exam with 19 practice problems in the form of partial vignettes A thorough review of important vehicular, pedestrian, and parking circulation topics Tips on how designs can be affected by on-site and off-site considerations An easy-to-use appendix of LARE specifications
TitleLARE Review, Mastering Section C: Site Design