Krishna Musk - Song of India Perfume Oil
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Krishna Musk - Song of India Perfume Oil

Great smelling concentrated perfume oil made from natural substances. 4.5cc (about 1/6 of an ounce) of oil in a decorative bottle and box. The bottle is about 1 5/8 inches tall and 1 1/8 inches wide. The oil is very concentrated, so this small bottle will go a long way. Made by RExpo in India.

Some boxes may say 3ml on them, but according to the manufacturer, they have replaced the 3ml bottle with the current 4.5 ml bottle.

  • TitleKrishna Musk - Song of India Perfume Oil
  • BrandSong of India
  • ManufacturerSong of India
  • BindingTools & Home Improvement
  • ProductGroupHome Improvement
  • ItemPartNumberFBA_B001B8OGF0