Korean Martial Arts Terminology Audio CD - Tang Soo Do, Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido, Hwa Rang Do
Learn all the Korean Martial Arts Terminology you need to know by listening to Grand Master Ho Sik Pak, 8th Degree Black Belt. Grand Master Ho Sik Pak recorded over 380 words covering everything from general terminology to advanced techniques and commands. In our instructional CD each word is pronounced 3 times: first at regular speed, second slowly pronouncing every syllable, and later at full speed again followed by the English translation. GM Pak has included a bonus track, which covers all Tang Soo Do (Soo Bahk Do) Forms. This product is dedicated to all students who wish to learn how to correctly pronounce the words they hear in class or read on a book, which are an important part of their martial arts training. Also Masters of Korean arts who wish to perfect their pronunciation. By listening to a native Korean speaker you will quickly become proficient at HanKukMal, Korean language. Play the Korean Martial Arts Terminology CD-Rom in your car on the way to your dojang (studio) or work, or study at home. A booklet with all the words in Korean and English is included.