Knee Brace Support by Winzone For Arthritis ACL Meniscus Running Basketball Love It Or Your Money Back Neopren
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Knee Brace Support by Winzone For Arthritis ACL Meniscus Running Basketball Love It Or Your Money Back Neopren

This knee brace from Veluxio is the premiere brace for athletes of all levels and all body types. It's made from strong, breathable neoprene see photos above, so it's perfect for long distance running, a fast-paced match of tennis, basketball & football games, hiking, and any other sport. The brace is fully adjustable for optimal support and total comfort. Designed with an open patella area and additional lateral support, the brace is meant to protect against athletic injuries such as torn meniscus, knee displacement, and more. The brace can also ease the discomfort associated with arthritis and tendonitis, and it lends itself nicely to knee injury rehabilitative exercises. Available in 2 sizes: Small - Up to 15" (best for children and small adults) and Large - Up to 18" (best for adult men and women of average to plus size). Play hard and protect your knees.

  • BindingMisc.
  • BrandVeluxio Sports
  • LabelVeluxio
  • ManufacturerVeluxio
  • ProductGroupSports
  • ProductTypeNameSPORTING_GOODS
  • PublisherVeluxio
  • StudioVeluxio
  • TitleKnee Brace by Veluxio Sports - Fully Adjustable for Maximum Support and Total Comfort - Great for Running, Hiking, Tennis and tons of other sports - Eases Arthritis and Aids in Healing Athletic Injuries - Available in Two Sizes.