Klhip Ultimate Clipper with Leather Case
The world's first ergonomically correct nail clipper. That is right. All this time you have been doing it back-to-front. Our award-winning breakthrough in design gives you increased and unparalleled control and leverage as you trim your nails. We didn’t stop there, this is the most technologically advanced manufactured clipper in existence. It is made via Metal Injection Molding (MIM) in Seki, Japan using 440C stainless steel. This high-tech process allows us to produce solid, stiff, intricate parts that other less expensive clippers simply can’t match. And don’t be fooled by others who have imitated our trademarked KLHIP name, there is only one KLHIP (K L H I P). Our Ultimate Clipper is precision engineered from surgical grade stainless steel and includes a handmade leather case (case made in USA), you will want to show off your Klhip Ultimate Clipper almost as much as your tidy new nails. A great gift even if it is to yourself.