KIDNAPPED (A Clete Connor Mystery Book 2)
Clete Connor is returning to his former position on the Flame Police Force. He had accomplished what he vowed when he threw down his badge. Now the time had come to take the brace off his bum leg, and stow his PI license away in a dresser drawer. B & C Investigators would be no more.
The ringing phone changes that.
When a tearful Roberta Ellis walks into his office, he isn’t at all sure the lady is running on all cylinders. She presents him with a three day-old ransom demand, claiming it is a sick joke. When he insists on calling the proper authorities, she lays a bundle of delicate, knit, baby clothes on his desk.
“These are the clothes my baby wore five years ago when she and her father burnt to death in a car crash.â€
He promises to look into the accident.
Gun shots send them scurrying for the secret passage leading to an old pirate’s tunnel. They emerge to find his office on fire and the baby clothes gone.
The next day he visits his old nemesis, acting captain, Kurbek Shoater, who fills him in on Roberta Ellis’ stint in Briarwood, an upscale psychiatric hospital. Her delusion of a man she claims, assaults her, a mysterious file, and the belief her father is responsible for the deaths of her husband and child.
This doesn’t explain the shots or the office fire. Clete is determined to find the truth, and is soon traveling a twisted road that leads to his elderly Aunt Erma being kidnapped, and his being marked for death