Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit
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Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit

Judaism Discovered represents painstaking research based on rigorous examination of all available exegetical sources. Deconstructing the rabbinic texts line by line, Michael Hoffman has discovered a terra incognita: Orthodox Judaism as the ideological survival of the most ossified traditions of Babylonian paganism, concealed beneath a complex system of dissimulation and misdirection. His unsparing thesis is a radical challenge to Judaism's claims to Biblical provenance and probity.

Hoffman brings to this difficult task...a commitment to long years of personal study and research that will commend this work to all serious readers...I have found his scholarship to be a highly accurate reflection of both the spirit and the content of Talmudic writings... Robert Countess, PhD., Professor Emeritus of New Testament, Tennessee State University

PARTIAL LIST OF CONTENTS: Rabbinic hatred for the am ha-aret; Hatred for heretics; Censorship; Judaism and America; Decoy texts; The Principal Sources of the Divine Law of the Religion of Orthodox Judaism; The Rabbinic Eras; Deceit Mechanism; Hermeneutic of Concealment; Power Over the Court System; Non-negotiable Rabbinic Dogma; The Tarnish on Hillel's Golden Rule ; Self-Perpetuating Legal and Textual Arcana; Falsifying Scripture with Gezara Shava; A Hedge Around the Law; Permissible Dissimulation through Dispensational Revelation; Self-Worship; Masoretic Text Falsifies the Bible; Tyranny and Priestcraft; Hold Back Your Children from Higayon; Dead Fetish Ritual: The Torah Scrolls; The Talmud - A Lawyer's Book; From Kabbalah to Aggadah: A Sexual Progression; Pagan Reincarnation Dogma in Orthodox Judaism; Hasidic Paganism; Sex Magic Part II; Goddess Worship in Judaism; Kiddush Levanah: Worship of the Moon; The Kabbalistic Renaissiance; False Messiah Syndrome; Inferiority of Gentiles; Jesus in the Talmud; Halacha of Mesirah; Chabad-Lubavitch; Critics of Judaism smeared as Esau; Halachos of Manslaughter; Divine Mandate to Kill Christians; Maimonides and Islam; Noachide Hoax; Rabbinic Texts: Virulent Source of Anti-Black Racism; Maimonides and Kabbalah; Kaparot: The Sin Chicken; The Falsified Schindler's List Quote; Non-Jews are Supernal Refuse; Cursing the homes and graves of gentiles; Images and Talismans; Ariel Toaff's suppressed history of ritual murder; Martin Luther and Immanuel Kant; Johann Reuchlin; Sodomy in the Synagogue ; Molestation of Infants in the Circumcision Rite (Bris); A Homo-Erotic Culture; Rabbinic Hatred of Women; Phariseeism Begins in Menstrual Blood; Inside the Menstrual Science of the Rabbis; The X-Rated Talmud; The Rabbinic Penchant for Spinning Tall Tales; Judaism and Kabbalah: An Inseparable Unity; Pulsa D'nura curse; The Golem of Prague; The Maharal Judah Loew and John Dee; The Secret of Purim; Judaic Opposition to Judaism; Moses Hess and the Covert Relationship between Judaism, Zionism and Communism; Judaism and Abortion; Converts and Conversions; Yom Tov: Holy Days and Observances; The Hanukkah Hoax; The Hebrew Calendar; Pesach (Passover); The Ninth of Av (Tisha B'Av); Totalitarian Obligation to Obey the Rabbis in All Things; Rosh Hashanah; Shabbos; Kosher (Kashrut) Food Racket; Business Ethics; Yom Kippur: The Kol Nidrei Nullification of Vows; Temple Mount Kotel Hoax; The Talmudic Mentality; Russian Petition to Classify the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch as Hate Literature; Index.

  • AuthorMichael Hoffman
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • EditionFirst
  • FormatKindle eBook
  • IsAdultProduct
  • LabelIndependent History and Research
  • ManufacturerIndependent History and Research
  • NumberOfPages1102
  • ProductGroupeBooks
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
  • PublicationDate2008-08-10
  • PublisherIndependent History and Research
  • ReleaseDate2008-08-10
  • StudioIndependent History and Research
  • TitleJudaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit