Josie: A Story of Faith and Survival
On the heels of World War II, the communist leader of Yugoslavia attempted to wipe out the ethnic Germans (Donauschwaben) living within his borders, many of whom had been loyal Yugoslav citizens for generations.
History books have been silent on this tragic ethnic cleansing, but Josie shines a light on the atrocities Tito committed against these people and one family in particular.
Cowritten by Josie’s daughter and niece, this book is the fictionalized account of four-year-old Josie who is separated from her family, after many of the Donauschwaben are murdered, she is initially interned in a concentration camp with her twelve-year-old brother and later, frightened and alone, she finds herself in Rudolfsnad, a death camp
Every time Josie thinks freedom is within reach it’s snatched away and yet she holds fast to hope, trusting that God will somehow pull her and her family through this darkness, just as he carried them through Hitler’s war.
An extraordinary story of faith and courage, Josie speaks up for the forgotten victims of the Donauschwaben genocide.