Jazz Blues Soloing for Guitar: The Comprehensive Study Guide (Fundamental Changes in Jazz Guitar)
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Jazz Blues Soloing for Guitar: The Comprehensive Study Guide (Fundamental Changes in Jazz Guitar)

176 notated examples, 15 backing tracks, 2 hours of audio

Never have 12 bars of music been treated to such detailed, logical study.

Whether you already play jazz, or are trying to expand your melodic horizons from the traditional blues, Jazz Blues Soloing for Guitar is a step by step method that breaks down the 12 bar jazz blues into its most essential, musical elements.

Each chord is taken in turn, and every important soloing approach is discussed. From arpeggio-based ideas, to chromatic approach notes, passing notes, bebop scales and altered scales; every concept is instantly made musical, with plenty of lines and practice ideas based on real world application.

The emphasis is on creating smooth, flowing blues lines that are constructed from each concept taught in the book.

Plenty of examples are given for every playing situation; however the book focuses on teaching the reader how to build their own musical lines from the fundamental principles of jazz theory.

Jazz Blues Soloing for Guitar builds your soloing logically, chapter by chapter, and quickly develops a rock solid foundation from which advanced concepts are easily constructed and applied.

Jazz Blues Soloing for Guitar contains the following detailed chapters:

Chapter One - The Jazz Blues Structure

Chapter Two - Chord Voicings for the Jazz Blue

Chapter Three - Soloing on the First Seven Bars

Chapter Four - Smooth Transitions between Arpeggios

Chapter Five - Targeting Specific Intervals

Chapter Six - Using the Mixolydian Bebop Scale

Chapter Seven - Chromatic Passing Notes

Chapter Eight - Chromatic Approach Note Patterns

Chapter Nine - Adding the bV Diminished 7 Chord

Chapter Ten - 3rd to 9th Extended Arpeggios

Chapter Eleven - Soloing on Bars Eight to Twelve

Chapter Twelve - Using the Phrygian Dominant Bebop Scale

Chapter Thirteen - Moving from G7 to Cm7

Chapter Fourteen - Using the Dorian Bebop Scale

Chapter Fifteen - Soloing on F7

Chapter Sixteen - The F Mixolydian Bebop Scale

Chapter Seventeen - The F Altered Scale

Chapter Eighteen - Practicing Quick Changes

Chapter Nineteen - Pentatonic Scales

Chapter Twenty: Jazz Blues Solo Example

Conclusions, Practice Tips and Further Study

With over 100 pages on just 12 bars of music, this is the most detailed and practical guide to the jazz blues available

Audio Available for Free from www.fundamental-changes.com

  • TitleJazz Blues Soloing for Guitar: The Comprehensive Study Guide (Fundamental Changes in Jazz Guitar)
  • ManufacturerCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • BindingPaperback
  • ProductGroupBook
  • EANs9781500729288