JSP and Servlets: A Comprehensive Study
JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Servlets are nowadays being extensively used to develop web application software. This book provides a comprehensive coverage of the fundamental and advanced concepts of JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Servlets. It focuses on Server-side Programming using JSP and Servlets,JSP with MySQL,JSP with XML,the Expression Language,JSP Standard Tag Library,Custom Tag Library,Application Event Listeners and Filters. While discussing JSP with MySQL and JSP with XML, the fundamentals of Database Programming and XML are covered in order to lay a proper foundation for discussing SQL and XML tags of JSTL. Similarly, the concept of time zones, locales and resource bundles are explained in detail before discussing JSTL and formatting tags. A separate chapter is dedicated to each of the four tag libraries--Core,SQL,XML,and formatting with detailed coverage of custom tags.
The book is designed primarily for undergraduate and postgraduate students of computer science and engineering, and computer applications. IT professionals working on Advanced Web technologies and Web Component Development will also find this book useful.