JDM ASTAR Bright White144-EX Chipsets 9006 LED Fog Light Bulbs with Projector
This page features one pair xenon white 144 chipsets high power 9006 LED bulbs <
It is perfect for customers who are looking for a super bright output .
6000K xenon white colorWarning!!!...Don't be fooled by the fake seller and counterfeit product!!)... JDM ASTAR is the Amazon registered brand . We never authorize other seller to sell our products... Please check the seller name before you place the order... Select the JDM ASTAR instead of others who list here not identical product by lowering prices only a little to take advantage of the reputation built by JDM ASTAR . The counterfeit bulb doesn't even have driving IC and resistor. It not safe.
If you receive the product from fake seller , You can file A to Z gurantee claim to get your money back without returning the counterfeit product " Also, please report the violation at ....... http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/reports/contact-us.