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We live in a world in which we are blinded into living - and dying - by a template. This template is for successful suggestion, to hide from us our Primary Purpose.

It is used by The Powers That Be to manufacture beliefs: beliefs in country, in Santa, in going to school... Those are just a few products of the template - there are many more.

Revealing your Primary Purpose is hostile to the theory of materialism. Subjects that erode the belief being manufactured aren’t in our curriculum, or even spoken of.

The possibility that you can think for yourself puts the fear of God (if he or she exists!) into the Powers That Be! This book shows you how to do just that.

So come on, think for yourself and put the fear of God up them!

Educated readers are drawn to the warning on page five.

"The author, along with all the copies of this book should be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. Never in my life have I read such a wretched, evil book." The Very Reverend Dr Winston H Cummings Dhp. MRSC. DP. Moderator General and Fellow of the Free Church of Saints.

"This book is a complete and utter affront, an insult to the great people of substance who created the civilised world of today. I cannot imagine any sane minded individual being malleable to such a crass, vulgar and flagrant rant by this individual. I am firmly of the belief the free thinking intelligent public will see this for what it is. A fundamentally flawed, unscientific, grossly offensive drivel, with no evidence or proof whatsoever to substantiate the claims within." Senator George Crispin Udeskye. PhD GSB Hons. MA, Lic.LL.B NP.

"RUBBISH, RUBBISH, RUBBISH. An amusing read for idiots with nothing else to do." George McGiverns. Editor. The Peoples Times.

"A thought provoking work. I am deeply impressed with the author’s knowledge of the mind." Jeanie Athena. Spirited Journey, Magazine

"Something to consider carefully, when time permits." Dr George Whitbee. P.H.D in Quantum Theoretical Physics

You can make up your own mind!

  • AuthorStevie D
  • BindingKindle Edition
  • FormatKindle eBook
  • Label9th Gate
  • Manufacturer9th Gate
  • NumberOfPages224
  • ProductGroupeBooks
  • ProductTypeNameABIS_EBOOKS
  • PublicationDate2011-06-16
  • Publisher9th Gate
  • ReleaseDate2011-06-16
  • Studio9th Gate
  • TitleInterpretation of Reality - Discovering your Primary Purpose