Intermediate Algebra: Student Solutions Manual
The Sullivan/Struve/Mazzarella Algebra Series was written to motivate students to €œdo the math€ outside of the classroom through a design and organization that models what you do inside the classroom. The left-to-right annotations in the examples provide a teacher€s voice through every step of the problem-solving process. The Sullivan exercise sets, which begin with Quick Checks to reinforce each example, present problem types of every possible derivation with a gradual increase in difficulty level. The new €œDo the Math€ Workbook acts as a companion to the text and to MyMathLab by providing short warm-up exercises, guided practice examples, and additional €œDo the Math€ practice exercises for every section of the text.
Real Numbers and Algebraic Expressions; Linear Equations and Inequalities; Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable; Linear Equations and Inequalities in Two Variables; Relations, Functions, and More Inequalities; Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities; Polynomial and Polynomial Functions; Rational Expressions and Rational Functions; Radicals and Rational Exponents; Quadratic Equations and Functions; Exponential and Logarithmic Functions; Conics; Sequences, Series, and the Binomial Theorem
For all readers interested in intermediate algebra.