Interactive Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Interactive Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences is an engaging tour of the topics covered in most behavioral science statistics textbooks: descriptive statistics, the logic of hypothesis testing, t tests, power analysis, confidence intervals, analysis of variance, correlation/regression, and nonparametric inferential statistics. Yet, it employs a radically different pedagogical approach. Without wholly abandoning the tradition of using a printed textbook to supplement classroom or online instruction, this system has at its core an interactive set of components that run through Web browsers such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. Working through these components, students create their own customized learning experience, rather than passively reading a printed text. The end result is students who can better master€"and perhaps even enjoy€"a subject that many approach with trepidation.
System Components
The CD contains the text, with in-text queries, interactive activities and figures, calculation tools, and review exercises. This allows local access to the system for those times when working online proves slow or unreliable.
The Website includes everything above, plus many more online features. For more details regarding online features, see "Features of the Interactive Text," below. Purchasers of this textbook will have access to the online component for 180 days from their first login.
The Printed Textbook includes the full text, formulas, all figures, and statistical tables. It allows for reading and/or review while away from the computer, and provides students with a comfort zone as they become familiar with the online features.
Apart from providing a more enjoyable experience for students, Interactive Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences offers benefits for the computer-savvy instructor. First, the text is customizable via the "Note" feature: here instructors can add notes to any page as well as links to graphics or Websites of interest; their students see these notes whenever they are reading the text online. As students progress through the chapters, instructors can assign specific problems to assess their progress. When students submit their answers, the server checks them and stores graded answers. Instructors can then view the answers in their own Web browsers, assign a grade, and generate an e-mail response. This saves class and grading time (not to mention trees).