Interactive Modeling: A Powerful Technique for Teaching Children
You'll spend less time reteaching, and your students will spend more time learning.
Use Interactive Modeling to teach academic and social skills, routines, transitions, use of materials€"any behavior, skill, or routine that needs to be done in a specific way. When teachers use this technique, children quickly learn what to do, and they remember better.
Unlike conventional modeling, Interactive Modeling gives children an active role, which helps them stay engaged and better remember what they learned. It uses a seven-step format that entails showing children exactly what to do, helping them notice key elements, and giving them practice while the teacher coaches. This format makes Interactive Modeling an efficient way to help children learn to carry out a procedure or routine correctly and remember it for next time.
Specialist teachers, parents, coaches, and any other adults who work with children can adapt and use this technique.
This book includes sample lessons, scripts, a planning guide, and a summary of research on the principles behind Interactive Modeling.