Integrative Therapeutics D-Limonene, 10 Softgel Capsules
Provides every day relief of occasional heartburn enhances immune defenses. Why use an orange peel extract to battle occasional heartburn? Because it works with the body- not against it: Unlike many traditional products, a clinically-studied orange peel extract will not reduce mineral absorption, inhibit protein digestion, or shut down acid production. It actually works with your body's natural digestive processes. Why use D-Limonene? It delivers relief from occasional heartburn, acid indigestion, and upset stomach: Its key ingredient, orange peel extract (ROH10), provides lasting relief of occasional heartburn for up to six months or more - without shutting down the production of stomach acid. Patent pending. It enhances immune system defenses: D-Limonene also plays an essential role in immune system health. Through its involvement in DNA synthesis and repair and the regulation of cellular proliferation, D-Limonene provides gastroprotective effects, especially when combined with .