Instant Netflix
When our cable special GET EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD FOR ONE LOW PRICE! ended, we had to make a decision between keeping the cable TV and keeping the internet. Getting rid of the cable phone was a no-brainer as in an entire year, we had never used it. The cable internet was used by everyone in the house and the cable TV was mostly just for me so goodbye cable TV. We have Netflix because I’m a huge movie nerd so instead of a $50 or more cable TV bill, we have a $7.99 Netflix bill, Amazon Prime, and Hulu Plus (also $7.99). The bargain price of $7.99 gets you a zillion movies for free on instant play. Unless you are a sports fan, I really find it hard to see why anyone would prefer cable TV to Netflix Instant
My wonderful wife Jenny blogs regularly about our family life and is teaching me how to blog (Welcome to the 21st Century!). My favorite hobby is movies and the kids complain that there is nothing (left) to watch on instant play so I decided to blog about the movies available on instant play. New blog posts appear nearly daily and cover a wide range of movie genres, directors, actors. In addition, I will try to post updates to previous topics as Netflix rotates through their collection.
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