Innova Electronics Iv5568 4 Function Digital Readout Timing Light
Four Function Digital Readout On An Easy-To-Read Backlit LCD. Tach - 249 to 9990 RPM -1 accuracy. Advance Degrees 2 and 4 cycle 0o to 90o -0.5o max accuracy. Dwell - 0o to 180o 2-12 Cylinders -1o accuracy. Volts - 10 to 16 Volts DC -1 accuracy. Patented Skip Circuitry Tests Up to 9990 RPM.. Unit Can Switch From 2-Cycle Distributor less DIS to 4-Cycle Conventional Ignition Systems. Constructed With Heavy-Duty ABS Polycarbonate Shockproof Housing Molded Boots and a Built-In Hand Guard to Provide Maximum Protection For the Timing Light and the User. Uses Detachable 6 Foot Leads With Insulated Wire and Heavy-Duty Battery Clips With Metal Inductive Pickup. Constructed With Durable Coaxial Cable That Accommodates Up to 10mm Plug Wires. Includes a Molded Plastic Storage Case and Instructions in English Franch and Spanish. Constructed with Heavy Duty 6-Foot Oil and Grease Resistant Leads. Extra Large Insulated Metal Clips Are Easy to Use and Eliminate the Risk of Accidental Shock. Includes Instructions in English French and Spanish